
  • Headline – This should always be the audience name and should match how it is listed in the “I am a” menu.
  • Subhead – Keep this short and only use it if it adds value. This could be a Miller Children’s differentiator specific to this audience. 
  • CTAs – These should be the main actions you want this audience to take. Always have at least one primary CTA.

Patient and Visitor Marquee

Content Highlights

The main goal of the audience landing pages are to funnel users to relevant content on the site. So, the first part of this page should be dedicated to linking to appropriate pages. Be sure to include the pages that are listed in the “I am a” menu for that audience and any additional pages that may be important to them.

Tease the content for these pages and provide an actionable CTA to encourage the user to click through. The content teaser segment works well for this type of content.

Patient and Visitor Content Highlights


Content/pages that are more straightforward and utilitarian can be highlighted here as tools that are relevant to this audience using quick links. It’s important to use a descriptive headline so the audience understands the content you’re referencing. 

Patient & Visitor Tools

Priority On-Page Content

After linking to relevant content and tools throughout the site you can highlight any additional content that should live on this page. For patients and visitors this may be a differentiating program. For residents and fellows it may be additional information about the variety of continuing education Miller Children’s provides. 

Patient & Visitor Child Life Program


Include frequently asked questions from the audience using the accordion content segment. You can use analytics and search console data to help inform what some of these questions might be. Offer descriptive answers and drive to additional content within your answers where relevant. 

Patient & Visitor FAQs

Additional Content

Depending on the audience, additional lower priority content may need to be featured on-page. There are a variety of content segments that can be used to display this type of added value content. If you’re unsure which content segment might work best then visit the content segment usage page. Below is an example of a content teaser used to highlight Miller Children's commitment to safety for their patients.

Patient & Visitor Safety

Other Resources

Blog posts and events relevant to the audience can be featured at the bottom of the page using content references.