For expectant mothers whose child has a gastroschisis, it is best the baby is delivered at a hospital, like Miller Children’s & Women's, that has a level IV neonatal intensive care unit that specializes in the care of critically ill babies. It is usually advised to deliver the baby at about 36 weeks of pregnancy if the baby’s lungs are mature and a Caesarian delivery is typically the most optimal.
After delivery, IVs and tubes will be placed to give the baby fluids. The baby's intestines (which are enclosed in the abdominal wall and appear outside of the fetus’s body) are placed in a see-through surgical plastic bag and the baby will be brought to the neonatal intensive care unit. Surgery will take place within 12-24 hours after that, which helps prevent dehydration (fluid loss), low temperature and infection.
In a small or medium size gastroschisis, one staged repair includes returning the bowel contents into the abdomen and closing the skin. If the gastroschisis is large, or there are other problems, it may need to be closed in a staged procedure over three - five days. A silastic sheet (silo) is placed around the exposed bowel. Every day, the silo is tightened to push more bowels into the baby's abdomen. The silo is then removed and the skin on the baby's abdomen is closed.