
  • Headline – This should always be the program or treatment name.
  • Subhead – Keep this short and only use it if it adds value. This could be something that better explains the services offered or highlights that the program is part of an institute. 
  • CTAs – These should be the main actions you want this audience to take. Always have at least one primary CTA.
Program Marquee


Keep the overview section concise and speak to the key differentiators Miller Children’s offers as part of the program. Refrain from long, lengthy paragraphs and break up text using bullets or lists. Link to content where relevant so the user can choose to learn more.

Video and image content is highly engaging and allows you to tell more of a story. When available you should leverage these types of content here and you can use the media gallery to do so. 

The overview is also a good area to showcase important supporting or related programs. Content teasers are a good way to showcase these. Use concise yet descriptive headlines and descriptions to encourage the user to click through to learn more. 

For each section of the overview remember to include headlines to separate the content, provide added context and keep the page easily scannable. 

Program Overview

Support ProgramsConditions

This area is used to highlight the most relevant conditions treated by the program. Users can click through to see a comprehensive list. Ensure the teaser text on the condition card is short and highly valuable. The goal is to help the audience understand what the condition is in layman’s terms so they know just enough to decide if they want to learn more. 

Program Conditions

Centers & Programs

This area is used to highlight the most important and relevant programs while allowing users to click through to see a comprehensive list. Include the most relevant programs within the top three. Ensure the teaser text on the program cards is short and highly valuable. The goal is to help the audience understand what the program is in layman’s terms so they know just enough to decide if they want to learn more. Where possible, include program differentiators. 

Centers & Programs

Your Care Team

This section should highlight the primary doctors for the program. Be sure to include a description for this section that speaks to the types of specialists that are part of the team, their experience and how the care they provide is unique.

In the “Other Team Members” section you can include support teams, specialists and other individuals that help provide support to patients throughout their journey. Be sure to include a description for each and allow users to click through if there is more detailed information about the individual or team. 

Your Care TeamOther Team Members Example

Locations & Affiliations

Add all locations that offer this program in order of relevance. If the program falls under an institute then reference it here.


When You Visit

List important information for the audience to know if they are visiting the hospital for these types of services. Use bullets and lists as opposed to lengthy paragraphs. Link to additional content when it makes sense. If multiple topics are covered in this section then use headlines to separate them.

When You Visit


The more section should include all of the nice-to-have content on the page. This content shouldn’t be important in understanding the value of the program. Instead, it’s added value content that may be interesting or helpful to some audiences.
