Where to Find Us

Infusion Center
2801 Atlantic Ave.
Long Beach

The Nightengales’ Infusion Center at Miller Children’s is a dedicated area just for patients who need intravenous (IV) therapy. The majority of the patients who use the infusion center are children and adolescents with cancer and other serious blood disorders, who need to come back to the hospital on a regular basis for chemotherapy treatment or blood transfusions. This is an ideal setting for patients and their families, who are receiving therapy and treatment because the patient does not have to stay overnight in the hospital.

Treatments and procedures done in the Infusion Center can take up to one to eight hours and include:

  • Blood transfusions
  • Chemotherapy infusions
  • Immune globulin infusions
  • IV steroids/hormones
  • Bone marrow aspirations
  • Lumbar puncture

The newly renovated Nightengales Infusion Center has all private rooms, in a family-friendly environment, to give patients and their families total privacy. Each private room is equipped with TV, DVD and VCR capability, relaxing infusion chairs, books and video games to pass the time.

The Infusion Center is located on the 1st Floor of Miller Children’s.


7 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. | Monday - Saturday